The Power Board.

Boards are either the powerhouse behind a brilliant company or too often the power failure.

We all know the dynamic of a good board, however, there is an unseen structure and strategy that exists that goes beyond accepted standards for board operations, that can leverage the exceptional intelligence and wisdom of the board and lead the company to profound success.

A powerful structure that looks beyond the obvious, creating an effortless chain reaction.

Firstly, most Board members underestimate the influence they have, as a Board Member you have more influence than you think.

Your value exceeds the time you invest; your influence is not determined by how often you meet.

The power of your potential impact is determined by how you show up.

Secondly, most boards see a collective of professionals come together to serve a common outcome, bringing their intellect, and experience to the table.

A habit of looking at facts and figures, rather than first looking at the health of the entity that is the board.

When members of the board are out of coherence with the entity that is the board, dissonance and dis-ease exist.

The Power Trilogy

WhenĀ the three cells of your influence, the company, the board, and its individual members are in resonance, as in physics a spark ignites, and creative acceleration occurs.

Success requires that each individual cell is in and of itself coherent, whilst simultaneously focusing on the resonanceĀ of the Trilogy as a whole.

The board is the mother cell of any company, cells replicate in the image of this cell.Ā 

The health and strength of the originator cell is influenced by the health of the individual components.Ā 

There are 4 types of Boards:

  1. A start-up looking to build both a solid foundation and future by selecting strong, healthy, dynamic board members who are in coherence with the entity of the company.
  2. A board thatā€™s flourishing and ready to take the company to the next level.
  3. AĀ board that is seemingly not able to break out of its unhealthy dynamic, is going off course and sailing toward the rocks.
  4. A board thatā€™s cancerous, and the rocks are imminent.Ā 

The Power Board

This is an offer to those seeking a new dynamic and intuitive level of board leadership that sees companies thrive from the very top down.

A level of leadership that no longer sees boards as a group of disparate people coming together for a common purpose, and often individualised agendas.

To one that focuses on the board as an entity, where the coherence of the company, its objectives, the board as a whole, and each board member are both the key and accelerant to the board's impact and the company's ultimate longevity, and success.

One where both the momentum and ROI, ā€˜Ripples of Impactā€™ are accelerated by the coherence of the board.

How it works

STEP 1. Upon your invitation, I join your board meeting as an observer. Based on my observation I assess if we are a fit. There is no financial commitment at this point.

STEP 2. The Diagnostic: I share my observations, the specifics, the trajectory, the potential, and the impact, together with a suggested plan of action.

STEP 3. We implement the plan of action.

  • The structure and strategy is intuitive, flexible, and malleable
  • Consulting and coaching are done with the board as a whole, and the individual members as required.
  • We do an initial 3-month sprint, the consultancy period is determined by the agreed, and measured results we accomplish together. We move ahead only when we both agree weā€™ve hit your original goals and objectives.
  • Consults can happen on demand, via Zoom or text.
  • Site visits and feedback are available as needed.

Iā€™ve worked extensively with both boards and cancer patients. I found a surprising similarity: the ones who invested early turned things around. The ones who didnā€™t want to invest in themselves until it was too late,Ā found the focus became about a quality exit, rather than quality of life.

Ā Remember, prevention is better than the cure. Itā€™s also much faster. I await your invitation. Let's connect today and explore this powerhouse opportunity together.